Talent Management

We understand that any team or organisation is a delicate ecosystem.
And that making a change to that dynamic can create challenges if not assessed and handled appropriately.  

We take a holistic approach to talent management and team communication, and have developed the following assessment tools to help you uncover areas for development and to make recommendations to allow your new team to be productive, faster.


Understanding the strength and depth of your team, and developing the individual talent within that team is at the heart of any great talent management strategy. Our consultants can help you develop the right approach for strategically attracting, hiring, and retaining employees with your long-term business goals in mind.


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In our experience, we have found that psychometric tests alone do not accurately uncover what conditions need to be present to allow an employee to excel within a particular role and within a particular environment. So we set about combining our extensive talent management experience with proven scientific data and developed our own assessment tool – Drake P3.



Drake P3 is a powerful tool that can uncover specific personality and behavioural traits, communication styles as well as any potential gaps that exist within your current team. This valuable unearthing of team & individual traits will help distinguish between a good hire and a great hire and can make the difference between creating a good team and a great team!

The system generates a variety of easy-to-use, in-depth and accurate profiles for accelerated insights into team and individual behaviours.

Our Selection profiles are designed to be used during the recruitment process, and are a perfect blend of personality profiling powered by behavioural psychology to give you valuable insights into all potential new hires.

We go deeper than most to identify motivators and demotivators, communication styles and learning styles,
to allow you to build the best team to achieve your organisational goals.

For example, you can’t have a team comprised entirely of ‘blue-sky thinkers’ without having ‘doers’ to turn those dreams into reality. Conversely, a team made up solely of people strong on execution and delivery may not have the vision to build the dream.

Adding personality and behaviour to your recruitment process is the missing element that will help differentiate between two candidates that might appear very similar on paper.

It’s this type of unique analysis that Drake P3 can bring to the table, which will allow you to select the right person to succeed in the role. These unique insights will also help you accelerate new starters through the onboarding process.


Management Profiles

Management Profiling encourages increased levels of self-awareness, which in turn fosters more effective communication and encourages tolerance and openness to personality diversity.

Building increased levels of awareness will help to determine where potential gaps within your current team might lie, as well as help to resolve conflicts more sensitively and empathically.

This builds stronger more productive teams which help each other achieve their full potential. It’s this type of unique analysis that Drake P3 can bring to the table when partnering with us.


Team Profiles

Profiling your team ahead of a new project or a fresh challenge will allow you to identify potential problems or curveballs that may derail the team. Team Profiling builds awareness around strengths and weaknesses which in turn, builds agility and cohesiveness.

Team profiles can also be used for Role Adjustment purposes, to accelerate professional development, and to foster and nurture talent within the team so that individuals can be encouraged to do their best work - maximising job satisfaction and performance.



Users are amazed by how accurately Drake P3 models personality. Why not test it on someone you really know, and try it yourself today?

Once you have completed the assessment, you will see a short summary on screen, and one of our consultants will send you your full 14-page Personality Profile.

Get your FREE P3 >>

Enter the trial code TRY-EXEC as your unique code on the next screen.